johnny english reborn

Vi este filme a pensar que podia dar algumas gargalhadas.
Dei uma gargalhada, dois sorrisos e um milhão de suspiros.

rare mobs, quarta amostra

A primeira imagem é Tarvus the Vile is a level 85 rare dragonman found inside the Obsidian Lair in southern Twilight Highlands.

Aqui temos Goretooth is a level 65 rare mob crocolisk that can be found in the lakes in Nagrand.



Ever-Core the Punisher is a level 68 rare mob arcane guardian that spawns in the Netherstorm.

ever-core the punisher

ever-core the punisher

infos da WoWWiki

twilight highlands, batalha final

Foi o único screenshot que tirei da batalha final de Twilight Highlands.

Os seguintes são da luta de Alexstrasza the Life-Binder vs Deathwing the Destroyer.

alexstrasza the life-binder

alexstrasza the life-binder

alexstrasza the life-binder vs deathwing the destroyer

alexstrasza the life-binder vs deathwing the destroyer

alexstrasza the life-binder vs deathwing the destroyer

alexstrasza the life-binder vs deathwing the destroyer

uldum, batalha final por neferset

There are essentially three major quest plots as players progress through Uldum. The first centers around the Ramkahen and their wayward brethren, the Neferset. Players help gather their council together after doing a handful of side quests, including rescuing one of their sons from the Neferset and helping to discover the cause of the Vir’naal River corruption. In light of the Neferset’s allegiance with Deathwing, their plundering of the old tombs, and the burial of Orsis beneath the sands, the majority of the council votes to go to war with the Neferset. Players are then sent to help outfit and recruit troops, as well as discover an ancient artifact of power before finally attacking the Neferset directly at their city.

A imagem ilustra o fim da última quest line.

plants vs zombies

Estava à espera de muita coisa, mas não disto. A versão wow de plants vs zombies.

plants vs zombies

plants vs zombies

E lá fiquei com um novo e espectacular companion.